Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Thought Sent to the VP

I just did "share your thoughts with the vice president" at the page and sent something like this:

"You're a little busy these days, so I'll keep this concise. Lina Khan is standing powerfully to protect everyday Americans from un-regulated, mis-regulated, and de-regulated corporations. This USAF veteran naively thought they were serving their country, yet the "corporate persons", responsible for their ability to gouge consumers and sell it off as "inflation", are under no obligation to do so. Please support Lina Khan's commitment to integrity and accountability by including her in your upcoming administration. Thank you for you time, and We're Not Going Back!"

Friday, January 14, 2022

Twitch, Discord, and Bark Eater Studios

This is mostly a launch announcement. I've been collaborating with some folks on Discord and Twitch to do what we love doing,:c help people, including ourselves, stream and get paid to do it. My effort is at, where my bio is something like:

"A healthy dose of DIY (tech, gardening, music, braining, & more) with a bit of news, politics, spirituality, & general stream-of-consciousness, from an over-50 veteran, dichotomy destroyer & enby living in the Adirondack State Park in NY, bringing you the construction of a safe space for creators. "

I'll be streaming a lot of what I do, not just talk about stuff other people said. There'll be guests, too! Some may be over amateur radio! But the idea is to get things done while sharing and learning, and contributions are greatly appreciated.  Being able to hire another set of hands to actually build stuff would be great, even if it is only a few hours a week. The amount of sweat equity available is amazing!

Alas this is winter, certainly not the time to build much anything more complicated than a fire. So this is when we figure out how to play with Twitch, how to connect with other with it and discord, how to stream, and how to make it part of building what is happening here. 

If you are interested in any aspect of streaming on twitch or youtube, let me know and we'll go from there!


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Community Wireless Networks

(from the Draft pile)

Senator Lieberman's proposed "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010, S.3480" is basically a government controlled internet "kill switch". Granted, it may not shut off the entire internet, but anything critical enough to be "at risk" shouldn't be accessible via the public internet as we know it. I would think that large internet-based corporations will have enough pull (and security savvy) to keep their business models running. With "Net Neutrality" also being an issue, its about time that us technically savvy geeks start roughing-out a decentralized substitute.

Decentralization seems to be the most resilient way to do most things, including commerce, energy, food, and governance. The internet seems to be the greatest distraction since TV, and it can really shine as an enabler of decentralization. Any useful internet-based decentralization effort needs to happen on a decentralized internet.

The ability to support HD video isn't nearly as important as the services I've outlined in my "Community in a Box" wiki at and such things as the Mesh Potato project at

There are probably enough older, flashable wifi routers around to start building-out basic community networks. Add some cantennas recycled solar panels or home-made wind turbines, and gel cell batteries (or potatoes Such units could be placed just about anywhere, small-ish UPSs could even be used if nodes are located at locations with access to AC power.

A collaborative, Commercial Free wifi mesh network could connect people, their objects, and their skills, with others that are interested in them.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Maker Space for the Mind

A question recently came to me. What am I Training and Developing myself for?

Moments, later, it came to me, and left me stunned. This is a brief brain dump.

Resonance of Occurring
Measuring brain patterns - I propose that by measuring prominent occurrings (WOBA trigger?), thoughts that trigger other thoughts, for example, a spectrum will be revealed. Resonant ones. Like color spectrum, sound spectrum, each are resonant to each other.

What "occurring" is present for someone to "get it"?  How would things need to be present for everyone to "get it", "grok", "on the same wavelength"? Where do harmonics show up that stop us?

I am creating a Makerspace for the Mind. Collaborative, open, distributed brain activity measurement and analysis. Open Hardware and Software for exploration of the human mind/brain and Self.

I'll have my "Wave Book" notes available soon. To summarize, What is the relationship of sound, color, emotion, and thought? What can this knowing accomplish in the world?

Who will partner with me? Who is up to holding me responsible? Who will hold us responsible?

When do we want it? Now Real Soon!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Project #1 - CWeST

I suppose this is an announcement of my intention to construct a "Continuous Wave Serial Terminal". WTF, you ask? Well, I just got an arduino for Christmas, so I'd like for this to be my first real project besides making LEDs flash or a serial line level converter. I've been pondering applications for, and mentioned in passing this idea as a bit of a joke. [will find reference]

The background: A good portion of the amateur radio community believes that the morse code requirements for obtaining a ham radio license should not have been dropped. Anything Internet-related is held in disdain, as it isn't usually 100% RF, so things like Echolink and the recently hamsexy D-Star aren't really amateur radio.

To this, I say "Fnord!" and announce the intention to develop CWeST: a CW Serial Terminal, an arduino-based serial terminal for use with your straight or iambic key. It will feature audio output as well as a small LCD text display and several function/macro keys.

"Great," you may ask, "but what use is a serial terminal that uses a CW key for input?" Well, combined with a HSMM-Mesh node, connected through it's onboard serial port, you'll get access to a linux console for maintenance purposes as well as the ability to run applications.

The lack of communication applications for HSMM-Mesh not requiring another PC to do the heavy lifting (and power consumption) limits the practicality of the mesh by not providing applications native to and provided by the mesh hardware. Having a way to communicate through the mesh without needing much more than the mesh node itself.

In addition, the CWeST hardware itself could be used to operate other digital modes via CW, such as RTTY, PSK, tradional amateur packet, and even D-Star! Thumb your nose at teenagers on cell phones and try instant messaging or even sending SMS messages to cell phones via your paddle!

Since deciding to take this project on within the past couple days, I have found a good chunk of the arduino-based infrastructure at That thread mentions "the other way around", so hopefully this project will be little more than gluing everything together and modifying some arduino sketches. 

UPDATE: seems to be a robust 2-way solution, so I'll probably be using that, a display solution like, and maybe build a ps/2 keyboard adapter or use for version 2 (cuz I'm not a fist, so building version 1 will require me to relearn CW) to make it a more generic serial terminal.

Anyone interested in this project should contact me, whether to help development of the hardware or software, or just interested in using such a beast. IRC provides a great back-channel, is already "CW-friendly", and has been supported on mesh nodes already, so #hamradio on may be a good place to spam ;)

Happy New Year and 73 de KC2SDS

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hooked on Cymatics

A link provided via twitter by @openworld, Evan Grant's TED talk "Making sound visible through cymatics" as seen at really inspired me today. It was like finding one of the pieces of the puzzle that is my personal Unified Field Theory, v0.04,

Visualize, if you will, 3 dimensional representations of the 2d techniques shown in the video. In other words, there exists extra dimensionality (at least 3d) to everything shown in the video, it's just that we can't see it displayed very well on a vibrating sheet of metal displayed onto a 2d lcd display. I propose that such harmonic interactions occur on all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, so the display you are visualizing needs to have something of a spectrometry dimension about it. Multi-pass/band tuner? Some amateur radios (usually only HF rigs) have "bandscope" displays to see where activity is in a given band. A classic spectrometer is used with light, and spectrum analyzers are used in the audio world. When the trippy high-order harmonics are created, interesting things start happening, like a Tuvan singer turning a growl into a high-pitched whistle.

Except for a ripple on a pond, wake behind a boat, rumble strip in a road, weather feature/pattern, or some other mechanical process, most of us don't seem to recognize (be aware of?) the harmonics and rhythms happening they are a part of and are reacting to, again, whether we know it or not. Affects exist as harmonic creations/aspects of others.

A Mythbusters episode, the one mentioned at, as well as the biblical Jericho perhaps, reminded me that a little resonance can go a long way. Imagine, what does the electromagnetic result of everyone's hearts beating... sing? Alien civilizations (or a deity, perhaps) listening to our broadcasts may be more interested in our biological vital signs than the original radio broadcast of "The Lone Ranger".

Perhaps humans are such a holographic display, as well as what is being displayed, for themselves and others (ie. performance). An affect of our existence?

Could we affect an earthquake by all of us humming one tone, peace with Bb major? Are Wall St. Bankers singing songs in D# minor? Stay tuned!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Anathem Hangover

I've been on a Neil Stephenson kick, and just finished his _Anathem_. I started with _Snow Crash_ then read _Cryptonomicon_, and found that I just couldn't get enough. Anathem was the most thought provoking, and prompted me to get some of it down here.

The idea of guilds have always interested me. John Michael Greer very recently blogged about the past and future of guilds at In Anathem, Maths combine guilds with religious orders, and are segregated groups of scientists, mathematics, philosophers, and thinkers. Secular society goes on it's own business, isolated for the most part for generations, from the Maths. The maths have ways of sharing their knowledge, and an order of Fraas and Surrs (male and female Avout) exists to know what is already known so others don't waste their time thinking they have stumbled upon a new thought.

The internet is full of knowledge that just doesn't get much attention, at least not in relationship to youtube, facebook, and blogs like this. Neal Stephenson mentions in one of the videos at his site,, that the world now has access to esoteric knowledge that just wasn't available in the past. Most folks just aren't interested, and others are simply distracted, so the knowledge contained in such works just haven't made it into the mindscape of today's society.

The internet is also full of groups of people working on esoteric projects, but are strangely disconnected from each other enough to make duplicated efforts the norm, if not fostering competition where cooperation would be much more productive. Virtual, decentralized "maths" are within the capabilities of the internet, and are threatening to be developed ( One can only hope, as such an organized group could accomplish great things and help create a more sustainable, cooperative, civil world society from the bottom up.

Anathem brought other things to my mind.

Quantum mechanics and metaphysics play a large role in the novel (see as does music. Those themes brought my own research notes at to mind, and was honestly the thing that prompted me to make this blog entry.

At one point in the novel, the main character was awakened by another Fraa's singing, and I immediately knew that the sound was comparable to Tibetan/Tuvan overtone singing. This was confirmed by listening to "Thousander Chant" at, a testament to the fact that music played an important role in the novel.

Such music, and sound, in relationship to my "Wave Book" notes and the novel's Hemn Space (see Stephenson's Acknowledgments page, link above) brought to my mind the possibility that events in one "configuration space" could effect another through Gödel's “I conjecture that some physical organ is necessary to make the handling of abstract impressions (as opposed to sense impressions) possible...Such a sensory organ must be closely related to the neural center for language.”

It is my thought that such impressions come to us through the mind/body as a whole, acting as a complex matrix of multiphase "antennas" able to detect resonant components of various causal activities. Not so much as a "shot heard around the world" but the resonant components of thoughts, emotions, synaptic firings in reaction to the audible "shot", philosophical reactions to the initial act of monumental events like the start of the American Revolution. I propose that such an impression wouldn't be a thought, feeling, picture, or smell but a wave (quantum effect, impulse, packet, ripple in "The Force") that resonates something with us that triggers such things in a sympathetic, harmonic way. I would make sense that such resonance would need to, as Gödel phrased it, "be closely related to the neural center for language" and that there would need to be some universal commonalities between such resonants and their cognitive manifestations.

Of course we only have those resources available to us on Earth to experiment with, but baseline measurements could be made of the various sensory inputs I mention in my "Wave Book" notes. It would seem to me that such commonalities found would only be harmonically related to whatever it is that could influence different configuration spaces, but sound findings would be an interesting start.