Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Bunch of Amateurs

Those of us in the Warren County RACES net had a great informal net last night. Usually we practice message handling skills, but this was our first informal net. We all checked into the net, and shared a few words, touched on today's snow storm and emcomm. When my turn came around, I mentioned that we should try and use simplex to see who could contact who without using the repeaters. It was quite successful and the group will be building a contact map. After the net, N2QFD drew the beginning of such a map, and I mentioned that we should also map out which repeaters each of us can use from our locations. I hope to see that go somewhere.

Over the summer, I tried working VHF digital packet. The Saratoga County club, which I am also a member of, has a digipeater that I can _almost_ hit using high power (50W), but it isn't stable. That particular node connects with N2TY's club digipeater in Troy, and both are part of flexnet I can hit 2 local APRS digipeaters, and although it can pass short messages (ala twitter), it's mostly for GPS location. I mentioned building solar-powered remote digipeaters to my "neighbor" Mal, the N2QFD mentioned above, who is also interested in digital packet. I have a 3 hour-old email from him that I need to reply to regarding all this.

Ham radio is many things to many people. Banal "rag chews" are the rule, but some hearty discussion come around, at least locally. Just last week, while having a discussion that started with Rush Limbaugh's entertainment function and his sponsors paying for his existence, among other interesting and deep aspects of society, an unidentified station (obviously part of the Geritol faction) broke-in and called us all communists. We noted that Rush's high audience numbers isn't comprised of only his supporters, but a good number of those that see the humor and entertainment value that it is. We ignored the unidentified station's comment, but it is unfortunate that the station just didn't have the vocabulary to express anything thoughtful, or the courage to participate in a meaningful conversation.

That conversation (QSO) also touched on what the hobby is to the hobbyists. Contesters are into quantity, and there is a bit of an adrenaline rush associated with the activity. Some useful information can be garnered from contesting, tho, such as band conditions; knowing where signal propagation is best between different points on different parts of the spectrum. Others are interested in building antennas, others build complete rigs or accessories, and enjoy the technical aspects of the hobby. Commuters driving back and forth to work use the hobby as an alternative to the typical 1-way car radio, as it is like having someone in the car to talk to and can be useful in traffic situation and helping other motorists when the need arises. Some hams only communicate using CW (morse code), others use only digital modes such as psk31 and pactor, and others only phone (voice).

That "Geritol faction" I mentioned are elderly folks, often shut-in and of declining health, who use the hobby to enhance their social lives. The 75m band, 3600-4000kHz, is often referred to as the "Geritol Band", as groups of folks are often heard discussing their ailments and treatments. This group often has the strongest feelings about which modes should and shouldn't be allowed to be used, a choice between CW and phone; all else is an abomination. Of course we should listen to and respect the wisdom of our elders, as well as all amateurs, and apply their perspectives to our own. Some may be just too stuck in their ways, but they are as free to be as they are as are those of us open to new and different perspectives.

Amateur radio mirrors society in general. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. The hobby is a tool that can be used many ways, for different purposes, and as long as they are legal according to FCC part 97 regulations, it's all good. If it can contribute to building goodwill both locally and globally, all the better. Some have no interest in such an endeavor, and there should be no requirement for them to do so. The hobby itself has changed over time, as has society, and both will continue to do so despite anyone's wishes otherwise.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This place is for the birds

I have some bird feeders in front of the house, and although I'm not really a bird watcher, I do pay some attention to the avians that visit.

Chickadees and blue jays are the most frequent daily visitors, but a few others have shown up. I'll comment to this with others I see. I don't photograph them much, the windows get in the way.

  • red-breasted nuthatches
  • tufted titmouse (I think)
  • slate-colored juncos
  • downy woodpeckers (pair) - daily visitors
  • hairy woodpeckers (pair) - daily visitors
  • red-bellied woodpeckers (pair) - or were they yellow-bellied sap suckers?
  • a cardinal - a passer-by?
  • a pair of evening grosbeaks (last year)

Turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes

Change can a scary thing, yet some manage to embrace it. The recent election of President Obama has brought on much anxiety, whether race-based or due to the potential of seeing the fragility of the house of cards that is our society.

The long tail of our lifestyle is observable with a little thinking about how we get stuff and where it goes when we are done with it; who creates, uses, disposes, and lives with the consequences of it all. There is no "away" to throw things, one person's garbage can is another person's drinking water.,9171,1870485,00.html follows some of Americans e-waste. This is one of the many global issues that effect local lifestyles.

The holy grail of global communication, the internet, may not solve issues directly, but it can help us get along and empower us to seek sustainable alternatives to productive life. Yes, there will always be those seeking to take advantage of others for their own personal gain, but they can be exposed through communication. Those uncomfortable with communication may eventually be moved to contribute at least as much as they consume. Waiting for an edict from on high? The time for personal responsibility as arrived, as President Obama eluded to in his innauguration speech.

Depending on one tool alone won't build better lives. Amateur radio also has the capability to connect people around the world, but and that line of thought. Still, people do use the medium to meet others and collaborate in many ways, whether elmerish technical advice, socializing, or even helping to understand the lives of others around the world. Politics aside, amateur radio operators can be seen as embasadors of goodwill.

Wishing ill will on others has a way of coming back to the sender. Agree to disagree, be civil, and lets just try to get along. Most of us common folk are feeling the effects of global economic problems, and we need to think and act differently than we have in the past. That requires change, some of it uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as what will probably transgress if we continue trying to feel better buying more stuff and sitting in front of the TV. Try something else! The rewards could be greater than we expect! Our progeny are depending on us!

Here it is!

I'm not really much of a blogger, but sometimes tweets and irc messages just can't contain the whole of my thinking processes. That could be a good thing, tho.

The Blue Line represents the boundary of the Adirondack State Park in rural northern New York. The state as a whole is very unlike Gotham, and the Adirondack State Park is the largest state park in the US. It is really a unique place, much to the dismay of some of it's inhabitants.

Being a technologist, thinker, and hobbyist of many interests, in such a rural location, has its issues. I'll list some of those interests below, at least those I plan to blog about here:
  • Amateur (Ham) Radio - KC2SDS
  • Sustainable living
  • Electronics
  • Collaboration and collaborative internet platforms
  • Coworking
Networking in such a rural location requires the use of either lots of gas for the car or the internet. Broadband is a new thing here, via satellite while I wait for the cable company to extend the line. This location is 5 miles too far from the CO for DSL.

So that is the introduction. I don't expect to use this space as much as others, but will try to remember to do so now that I have it available.