Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here it is!

I'm not really much of a blogger, but sometimes tweets and irc messages just can't contain the whole of my thinking processes. That could be a good thing, tho.

The Blue Line represents the boundary of the Adirondack State Park in rural northern New York. The state as a whole is very unlike Gotham, and the Adirondack State Park is the largest state park in the US. It is really a unique place, much to the dismay of some of it's inhabitants.

Being a technologist, thinker, and hobbyist of many interests, in such a rural location, has its issues. I'll list some of those interests below, at least those I plan to blog about here:
  • Amateur (Ham) Radio - KC2SDS
  • Sustainable living
  • Electronics
  • Collaboration and collaborative internet platforms
  • Coworking
Networking in such a rural location requires the use of either lots of gas for the car or the internet. Broadband is a new thing here, via satellite while I wait for the cable company to extend the line. This location is 5 miles too far from the CO for DSL.

So that is the introduction. I don't expect to use this space as much as others, but will try to remember to do so now that I have it available.

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